Listen up: Best new(ish) music

Fall music, playlist, best new music
Like your wardrobe, lip colour and nail polish shade, music is susceptible to seasonal shifts, signaling a natural desire to shake things up.
Where once cheerful summer singalongs were necessary listening, the fall weather is more likely to mean slightly introspective experiences, at least for me. (Best Coast’s California Nights, which came out in May, was the perfect soundtrack to warm evenings but feels incongruous to scarf-and-long-sleeves weather.)
Now that we’re firmly in post-Thanskgiving territory, I thought I’d share what albums are in rotation and promise the perfect aural compliment to a season where it gets dark at 6pm and the mornings only rarely include slivers of sunshine streaming through the blinds.
Plug in and listen up: these are the soundtracks of the season. Continue reading